Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Game is a Foot

Humans are bilaterally symmetrical bipeds. As such, we're designed to spend a lot of time on our feet. Unfortunately, Americans generally don't do enough of this. Both extremes of these circumstances can lead to a variety of health issues, specifically foot problems. Thankfully, in addition to balancing our activity levels, we also live in a time where a number of products are available to help maintain foot health.

Keep Your Feet Clean & Dry
I keep packets of baby wipes in my car, as well as my toiletry kit for travel. These can be used to clean any part of my body, not just my feet. A similar product called Dude Wipes is also available.

When our feet are wet, they are more susceptible to fungal growth (such as athlete's foot) as well as abrasion injuries, so keeping them dry is in our best interests. Microfiber towels are remarkably absorbent, and have a variety of other uses aside from their drying power.

Talcum powder is a finely ground and extremely soft mineral that absorbs both moisture and (to some degree) odors. It can be applied directly to the feet (especially between the toes) and sprinkled inside shoes to help keep our feet dry. Many types of commercially available talc-free powders are blended with anti-bacterial medications as well.

Wear a Clean Pair of Wool Socks
For colder weather, or situations where we might not be able to change them regularly, merino wool (or other wicking material) socks are recommended. For those with circulatory issues, compression socks can help reduce blood pooling in our feet, a condition that can lead to increased mobility issues, neuropathy, and foot pain. Spare socks should always be part of our Bug-Out, Get-Home, or any other travel supplies.

Protect Against Injuries
A good pair of insoles will cushion our feet against shocks while simultaneously supporting our arches. Regardless of the type purchased, they should be replaced every three to six months.

If we do suffer an abrasion injury to our feet (whether due to poor fitting shoes, moisture, or some other cause) it needs to be dealt with quickly so as not to become debilitating. A product called Moleskin is available, both as adhesive sheets and as little donuts for use on blisters.

Finally, keeping our toenails trimmed is important for comfort as well as health. When wearing closed toe shoes, long toenails can impinge against the shoe, frequently leading to pain on even a relatively short walk. Bacteria can also find a cozy home under untrimmed nails.

For those with other health related foot problems, such as diabetes, please seek out the care of a licensed podiatrist.

Foot Note
While not everyone is able to toe the line, this is a subject that touches our sole.

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