I am a Cold War veteran. I was a REMF (ask a vet what that means if you want the exact translation) and
never saw combat. I maintained nuclear weapons in West Germany in the
early 1980's when they were one of the main things keeping the Soviet
Army from spreading Communism throughout Europe. Even though I never
saw combat, a normal day at work involved large quantities of high
explosives, highly radioactive materials, and chemicals that would
peel the meat off of your bones. We had to trust each other not to
screw up or one of us was going to get hurt or die. In the days
before the invention of precision-guided munitions, tactical nuclear
weapons were our answer to the roughly 3-to-1 numerical advantage
that the USSR had over NATO troops and tanks. It worked: we won the
Cold War, and Soviet tanks never poured through the Fulda Gap into
western Europe.
My job in the US Army was mostly Monday
through Friday, 0700 to 1700. I had free time to travel and since my
room and board were paid for, I had money and a car as well. I
wandered around a foreign country that was “First World”, so I
didn't have to worry about much. The police weren't corrupt, the
roads were well maintained, the people were friendly, the beer was
cheap, the food was good (and safe to eat for the most part, although
I won't touch Argentine beef ever again), and there was a lot to see
in what I consider a small area. West Germany was about the size of
Iowa and Missouri combined, so everything was closer than you'll find
in the USA. Most of it is also much older than than the USA.
I was stationed in a very small NATO
base in the northern part of Germany with very limited support, so I
learned quite a bit of German just to get by. If I wanted fresh
groceries, I had to go to town and know how to ask for them in
German. This came in handy during my wandering, because it allowed me
to read the plaques and memorials that seemed to be everywhere, if
you took the time to look for them.

I am in no way condoning the actions or
motives of the German government during the 1930's and 40's - they
were inhuman and should serve as a reminder of how not to act - but
the individual soldiers served their country and did what they were
taught and told to do as best they could.

I have family members who served in that war, and several friends who lost family over there. I also had uncles that served in and survived WW2 and Korea. I have talked with many troops that made it back from Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and a few places that are not mentioned in the nightly news. They've all lost friends and comrades. The term “brothers in arms” has a special meaning to those of us who have served in the military and experienced that unique bond of trusting another person with your very life.
Please enjoy your family and friends
this holiday weekend, but I ask that you raise a glass or two to the
men who died in order to ensure that you have the freedom to do so.
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