Water, Water Everywhere...
What if there was an abundance of water, but you really couldn't drink any of it, because:
- You are outside the U.S. and your sensitive G.I. tract can't handle local sources?
- Your local (planned-for) disaster just occurred and the faucet isn't working?
- The annual Big Blowout camping trip is here and dipping water from the creek after those free-range cattle crossed it ain't so appealing?
The Sawyer Company
The Sawyer company, www.sawyer.com, makes many different products like:- Sunscreens, available in 2 formulas, which might be familiar to servicemen who have had Gulf War tours.
- Insect Repellants, designed for your clothes or gear (lasts for up to 6 washings!) and for application to your skin in various formulas.
- First Aid kits/supplies from an EDC pocket kit to group sizes, splints, blister treatment and even tick removal pliers!
It is made up of three main parts:
- The water container/bag (more on this later)
- Water filter body and spout
- Cleaning syringe
This filter is about as simple to use as I've seen:
- Fill the supplied bag with water
- Screw on the filter
- Squeeze and drink.
Which brings me to my one problem: the bag. (Again, sorry for the lack of photos).
Mine split on the seam near the filler neck. Now, before all the Sawyer fanbois 'n girlz get excited, I can explain! If you compress the bag really hard to see how far you can get it to squirt, it just might fail. I'm talking to you, Pal! After doing a small amount of research on the 'Net, it seems that some problems with the bag is rare but not uncommon. Good thing REI has such a good Return Policy! After making my no hassle return a rep stopped me as I was picking up a replacement and I mentioned my bag issue. Turns out he had a similar failure and offered a cheaper solution:
- A Sawyer Mini Filter, #SP128 containing the same filter as its bigger brother but only a 16oz. bag and a short piece of tubing to use as a straw
- One Platypus 1liter bag, with compatible screw threads to the filter. This bag is BPA free.
- Platypus Gravityworks carbon filter element.
I purchased the replacement filter ($24.95), new water bag ($8.95) and the carbon filter ($12.95) and minus my 20% member discount ($4.99 off the filter) for total of $45.63, including tax, which is almost $5.00 less than the suggested retail for the larger kit.
Why a carbon filter, you ask? If you have been following my ramblings, I mentioned the possibility of having to 'Bug In' due to family obligations and a carbon filter will allow the filtering of organic compounds such as chlorine and other chemicals found in swimming pools! Carbon will also improve the taste of water from unusual sources, so those who have sensitivities can more easily drink the water needed to survive.
I will be retesting the filter with the carbon element very soon, without having a water gun fight with the bag.
As I mentioned, the Sawyer filter was easy to fill and backwash, it weighs very little (approx. 4-6oz. with the new heavy duty bag) and will fit into a 1qt. zip storage bag with room to spare.
I can recommend this to anyone who needs a very portable, simple and efficient filter.
As always, if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, please post them so we all can learn. And remember, Some Is Always Better Than None!
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